July ‘23
It's been a weird few weeks for my brain. I was determined to get my animations working properly, but I kept running into programming issues that took forever to work through. So whenever I would hit a wall with that stuff, I'd change gears and work on some other random thing that still needs work. I felt like I was procrastinating and getting nothing done, so I didn't post anything, but in hindsight I've just been too hard on myself this past month. Not everything needs to be a big milestone! All progress is progress! Let's look at some of the smaller stuff.
The two stairwells in the building are beginning to look quite nice. If you've seen them before, I doubt they look much different to you, because most of the work has been on tiny details. There are a lot of things I've come to understand about prototyping a game environment at the start of a project that I did NOT know previously, so there is a bunch of little cracks and crevices between separate sections of the game, like each floor and stairwell. The sections are close, but they don't quite line up with each other, so I'll adjust one or the other until they're pretty much aligned. It's not like it's super difficult to fix the issues once I spot them, but it's tedious and time-consuming. And it still isn't done :')
I've done a lot more decorating in the courtyard, too. I still need to make a few more models and trim some sloppy UVs but I think it looks good! Now I can finally run cues on all the courtyard lights just like the lights in the rest of the building.
And do you remember that character model from my last post who was just a head? Yeah, that's him now. Feel old yet?
I also made some updates to the doors! To be perfectly honest I thought they looked fine already. But I kept reviewing footage of the building, and I noticed that the viewing port on each door is...thinner? And closer to the center? So I updated my doors to reflect that. New on the left, old on the right.
The doors now also react when you try to open them. They can actually be opened and closed from both sides, but pretty much every one of these doors leads to nowhere, so they're all just locked..........for now.......